FAQ: Resettlement Benefits for Afghan and Iraqi Recipients of Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs)
List of Resettlement Agencies providing Reception and Placement (R&P) Program services:
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Legal Immigration Help:
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) Seattle: 206-587-4009/ 800-445-5771
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) To find an immigration attorney visit AILA Search.
Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington
MELAW, in conjunction with the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC). This clinic is open to all who income qualify, but will be focused on reaching the Muslim and Middle Eastern community. Clients each receive a 30 minute session. This is hosted as a King County Bar Association Neighborhood Clinic. Location: Muslim Association of Puget Sound, multi-purpose room (17550 NE 67th Ct, Redmond). For more information, or to join MELAW, contact info@melegal.com or visit the MELAW website.
OneAmerica is Washington’s largest immigrant advocacy organization, and is a resource for Know Your Rights training, naturalization services, organizing and advocacy for the rights and due process of immigrants, refugees and other members of the community. For more information go to www.weareoneamerica.org or for naturalization go to www.WAnewamericans.org, send an email to info@weareoneamerica.org, or call 206-723-2203.
WorkSource job search
Many immigrants and refugees working with local non-profit organizations to find a job are referred to WorkSource for employment help. The Employment Security Department and WorkSource centers across the state can help immigrants and refugees look for work, and can connect them to other resources. Go to www.WorkSourceWA.com for online services and to locate the nearest WorkSource center.
State Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance
The Department of Social and Health Services’ Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance provides a broad array of programs and services to help refugees and immigrants achieve economic self-sufficiency and cultural integration into Washington ‘s communities. These services include the following:
Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance
Refugee Health Screening
Employment Services
Vocational English Language Programs
Comprehensive Case Management
Self-sufficiency and integration educational workshops
Refugee School Impact Grant
Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program
Mental Health Services
Naturalization Services
For more information, please contact Sarah Peterson at sarah.peterson@dshs.wa.gov or 206-568-5568.
Washington Congressional Delegation
As Washington state’s representatives to the federal government, the offices of our state’s 2 U.S. Senators and 10 U.S. Representatives can be of assistance in providing you with information about how federal policy changes may affect your community. And each office employs caseworkers who can assist you in your dealings with the federal government (such as visa approvals from the U.S. State Department). U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell represent the entire state, while each of the 10 representatives represent a different congressional district. If you are uncertain which district you live in, you can identify your U.S. Representative by typing your zip code into this House.gov website.